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There is some truth to the phrase “All Real Estate is Local.” From an owner/seller’s perspective, local market knowledge, presence and marketing programs are generally critical to a successful disposition effort. Intimate knowledge of detailed parcel characteristics, microeconomic conditions and local land use regulations contribute significantly to the creation of a thoughtful disposition strategy. As such, the selection and management of the appropriate local representation is an essential step toward producing a desirable result.

Further, many situations present an opportunity to maximize the seller’s potential by expanding the marketing reach for a piece of property which necessitates a new approach. While the internet has created an effective and inexpensive avenue for buyers to “find” your property, an internet dependent approach will likely yield subpar results.

Position RE has demonstrable experience in advising sellers on broker selection and establishing creative marketing programs which augment local efforts – and widen the appeal for certain assets. With targeted marketing campaigns to specific users, investors and economic development concerns, the efforts of two can provide a much better reward and generate a more predictable outcome.

Our services include:

Direct Representation

Pre-listing improvements advice.

Value opinions and value improvement planning

Asset Management

Broker Selection and Partnering Agreements

Marketing Program Development and Execution